Although horse polo is still considered an unusual sport discipline in the Czech Republic and does not have a long tradition here. And we are becoming a world destination where this noble and royal sport is settling, and the base of its supporters is growing comfortably. Our support for this tournament at the Levín Farm in Hvězdonice near Benešov has become part of the celebration of this royal sport.
8th Annual Pink Corocdile Tennis Cup
On Sunday, September 9, 2018, the 8th Charity Tennis Cup took place at the RS Sportcentrum in Prague. Our traditional cooperation continues! With this year’s charity tennis cup, Pink Crocodile is looking to support the education programme of the Special Elementary school: Základní škola speciální Neratov, which is educating and caring for 20 children with mild to severe forms of disabilities. With your participation in the tournament, you are helping to get them one step closer to fulfilling the dream of their school bus.

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