Developerských fondů pro kvalifikované investory je na trhu celkem dost. Opportunity Real Estate Fund (dále také jen jako OREF) je však speciální. Stojí za ním muž, kterého na developerském trhu zasvěceným není třeba představovat...
Srbskému developerovi MILORADU MIŠKOVIĆOVI, který stál mimo jiné u revitalizace pražského Karlína a je součástí známých velkých projektů v Praze, Rohan City a Smíchov City, je Česko malé.
Milorad Miško Mišković is one of the most renowned Serbian names in the real estate industry in Central Europe. After 30 years of an incredibly successful career in Czechia, tumultuous personal and professional upheavals, and a significant trail he left in Prague’s urban development, this distinguished businessman with inexhaustible energy and ideas is ready to implement his first large project in his native country.
The founder and managing partner of Karlin Port Real Estate, Milorad Miško Mišković, will not deny his Serbian temperament. Even after two serious illnesses, he lives and works at 300%.
Belgrade is a city of open possibilities for developers
Milorad Miskovic recently celebrated his 50th birthday. He has been working in the Real Estate market for half of his life - particularly in the Czech Republic.
Milorad Miškovič has recently celebrated his 50th birthday. For half of his life he’s been in the real estate business– mostly in the Czech Republic.
Milorad Miško Miškovič has lived in the Czech Republic for 26 years. For 23 years of that he's been working in the real estate segment. In the exclusive interview he gave to Development News he praises Prague or let's say the Czech real estate market.
Milorad Miško Miškovič has been operating in Prague’s real estate market for more than 20 years and for the last seven years has been working at Karlin Port Real Estate (hereafter referred to as Karlin Port), which he founded.